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Os alunos do Agrupamento de Escolas Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro , com o apoio da Rede dos Emissores Portugueses – REP, vão estabelecer contacto rádio com astronautas da ISS.
Convidamos-vos a participar neste evento em direto com a Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS).
Este evento visa contactar, oficialmente, o astronauta de serviço (elemento tripulação da ISS atual) Dopn Pettit – KD5MDT, (poderá haver alterações), via rádio providenciado pela Rede dos Emissores Portugueses.
Este evento acontecerá a 22 de novembro de 2024 cerca das 16h37 local/UTC.
O evento consiste em 20 alunos, um de cada vez, faça a sua respetiva pergunta em inglês (pré-aprovada) ao astronauta para que responda em tempo real.
Estas questões serão colocadas e respondidas dentro de um período de +- 10 minutos.
O meio de comunicação entre o Auditório da escola e a Estação Espacial Internacional serão providenciados e garantidos pelo grupo de trabalho REP-ARISS.
O objetivo principal deste tipo de evento é motivar o interesse dos mais jovens no aeroespacial bem como no radioamadorismo
As time allows, students will ask these questions:
1. What has been your biggest challenge in becoming an astronaut?
2. How did your family react when they first found out you were going to space?
3. How would you describe the feeling of seeing Earth from space for the first time?
4. What was the most exciting or memorable moment you experienced during a space mission?
5. How can the technology used on the ISS benefit life on Earth?
6. What does it feel like to be outside the ISS especially when repairing something?
7. Is the ISS affected by solar storms?
8. What are the dangers of staying without gravity for long periods of time?
9. What activities do you engage in during your free time on the ISS?
10. How do you take care of your mental health in space?
11. What types of scientific experiments are conducted aboard the space station?
12. To what extent do the absence of gravity and the conditions on the ISS affect the results of scientific experiments?
13. What scientific discoveries have been made possible as a result of your space missions?
14. What do you look forward to the most from future missions to the moon and Mars?
15. How does space radiation affect the human body?
16. In the case of illness, what is the protocol?
17. What happens if you lose communication with Earth?
18. How do you adjust to your normal routine after spending several months in space?
19. What do you miss most about Earth?
20. It has been a pleasure to connect and learn from you.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. Wishing you all the best on your journey aboard the ISS!